Biology WAEC

A faster colour change of a dry cobalt chloride paper affixed to the lower surface of a leaf than the upper one, indicates that?

A. sunlight slows down water loss from the upper surface B. the lower surface of the leaf has more stomata…

4 years ago

Which of the following organisms causes syphilis?

A. Mycobacterium tuberculosis B. Bordetella pertusis C. Treponema pallidlum D. Clostridium tetani Correct Answer: Option C C. Treponema pallidlum

4 years ago

In-plant, respiration occurs in?

A. mesophyll cells only B. the root only C. the stomata and lenticel only D. all living cells Correct Answer:…

4 years ago

Which of the following substance pass through the root cell membrane by osmosis?

A. Cell sap B. Carbon dioxide C. oxygen D. water Correct Answer: Option D D. water

4 years ago

Only specially adapted micro-organisms are found in?

A. salty water B. humid air C. moist soil D. mouth cavities Correct Answer: Option A A. salty water

4 years ago

Which of the following statements is true about the movement of the forearm? In

A. bending the arm, the biceps relax and the triceps contract B. bending the arm, the biceps contract and the…

4 years ago

The role of ATP include all the following activities excerpt?

A. provision of energy to do work in living organisms B. transmission of nerve impulse C. keeping the body warm…

4 years ago

Which of the following statements defines plasmolysis?

A. Shrinking of a plant cell in a solution B. Shrinking away of cytoplasm from an animal cell membrane C.…

4 years ago

Which of the following Best explains why It is difficult to see clearly in dim light?

A. Initially, the eyes cannot operate when the light is dim B. The choroid reflect all the light that enters…

4 years ago

Which of the following pairs of organisms exist as colonies?

A. Obelia and Euglena B. Pandorina and Volvox C. Chlamydomonas and Amoeba D. Hydra and Spirogyra Correct Answer: Option B…

4 years ago