Biology WAEC

Which of the following processes does not contribute to the maintenance of the nitrogen content of the soil?

A. Decomposition B. Denitrification C. Nitrification D. Nitrogen fixation Correct Answer: Option B B. Denitrification

4 years ago

In an ecosystem the organism which changes light energy into stored chemical energy is the?

A. consumer B. decomposer C. producer D. carnivore Correct Answer: Option C C. producer

4 years ago

Which of the following organisms is well adapted for fluid feeding?

A. Cockroach B. Mosquito C. Grasshopper D. Ants Correct Answer: Option B B. Mosquito

4 years ago

The density-dependent factors that operate to regulate a population size may include the following except?

A. shortage of food supply B. fire outbreak C. spread of diseases D. increased competition Correct Answer: Option B B.…

4 years ago

Which of the following instruments is used to measure the speed of a stream?

A. Simple float B. Secchi disc C. Quadrat frame D. Rain gauge Correct Answer: Option A A. Simple float

4 years ago

Which of the following factors is not associated with aquatic habitats?

A. Salinity B. Turbidity C. Temperature D. Edaphic Correct Answer: Option D D. Edaphic

4 years ago

A stable self-sustaining environment produced by an interaction between the biotic and abiotic components is best described as?

A. a niche B. a community C. an ecosystem D. a habitat Correct Answer: Option C C. an ecosystem

4 years ago

Possession of strong adhesives is a feature of animals living in/on?

A. sandy beaches B. rocky shores C. benthic zones D. deserts Correct Answer: Option B B. rocky shores

4 years ago

A population is best described as?

A. a group of the same species of organisms living together B. a group of animals and plants living together…

4 years ago

In the marine food web, the source of energy to the producer comes from?

A. sea waves B. sea water C. sun D. air Correct Answer: Option C C. sun

4 years ago