A. gender equality
B. continuity in governance
C. effective cost-benefit analysis
D. equality among professions
Correct Answer:
Option B – continuity in governance
As a component of the stat, the civil service is important because it ensures continuity in governance.
Civil Service is a body of skilled, permanent, and paid officials who carry out day to day business of government.
The civil service is divided into departments called ministries.
Some of the characteristics are:
1. Permanence
The Civil Service is a permanent government institution. It does not change with the government that created it. Its workers enjoy secured appointments.
2. Neutrality
The Civil Service and its workers-the civil servants are political neutral. They are not expected to take part in partisan politics unless they resign their appointment.
3. Expertise
The Civil Services are expected to be experts in the functions they perform. They, therefore, suppose to have a good measure of expert knowledge and intelligence.
4. Impartiality
The Civil Service and civil servants are expected to serve any government or political party in power without fear or favour. They should then not allow their political interest to becloud their faithfulness.
5. Anonymity
The Civil Servants are anonymous, they are therefore seen but do not speak to the press unless authorized by the Minister. They do not disclose official secrets.
6. Merits
Recruitment into the Civil Service should be based on merit and not on quota or favouritism. This is for them to perform their functions very well and ensure the success of the government.
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