Oh my goodness, erudites.ng has helped in simplifying and thoroughly researched details about the admission requirement for Computer Science in Nasarawa State Polytechnic, Lafia, Nasarawa State. Read through to see the detailed requirements under-listed. For more recent information and admission news, kindly join our website.
Ensure you have at least, a minimum grade in the following subjects:
Anything less of the minimum grade can jeopardize your effort in securing admission.
Also, the most appropriate SUBJECT COMBINATION FOR UTME is listed below
Significantly, endeavour to have a minimum score of {190, this varies annually and with general performances in the UTME}.
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300 Level Introduction To Entrepreneurial Skills Practices exam questions and detailed answers. Download the answers…
300 Level Introduction To Entrepreneurial Skills Practices exam questions and detailed answers. Download the answers…
300 Level Introduction To Entrepreneurial Skills Practices exam questions and detailed answers. Download the answers…
300 Level Introduction To Entrepreneurial Skills Practices exam questions and detailed answers. Download the answers…
300 Level Introduction To Entrepreneurial Skills Practices exam questions and detailed answers. Download the answers…