Categories: WAEC TIP

9 Reasons Why Candidates Fail 2012 Biology WAEC Theory

Aligning with the data obtained from the WAEC officer handles, the following are the Reasons Why Candidates Fail 2012 Biology WAEC Theory. Surprisingly, some of the reasons have been the leading causes for the failure and yet, attentions aren’t shifted to them. You are strongly advice read to comprehension.

The candidates’ weaknesses include their inability to:

  1. draw according to specification/size;
  2. classify organisms;
  3. understand what observable difference means;
  4. spell technical word correctly;
  5. relate the differences in a tabular form together;
  6. march structures with functions correctly;
  7. draw guidelines to touch the label on the diagram;
  8. label phloem and xylem;
  9. start the phylum name with capital letter.

The WAEC Recommendations for the prospective students

The following remedies were highlighted by the chief examiner after a thorough examination of the prevailing weaknesses. They are:

  1. Candidates should be engaged in real practical and field work more often;
  2. schools should get qualified teachers to take the candidates on practical;
  3. the spelling and use of technical terms should be emphasized;
  4. teachers should use good and current textbooks to teach;
  5. drawing techniques should be vigorously stressed and taught to students;
  6. candidates should be encouraged to make their handwriting legible.

Candidates’ strengths

Some candidates showed improvement in their ability to:

  1. name the habitat of specimens;
  2. state the type and method of reproduction of each specimen;
  3. identify the life processes in mammals associated with specimen E (lung);
  4. identify structural similarities between the surface of specimen E (lung) and the skin of specimen F (Toad);
  5. identify the part of stem where food is stored and tissues for transportation in the stem;
  6. giving one-word answers like ‘land’, ‘asexual’, ‘bud’, ‘internode’.

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