Categories: WAEC TIP

5 Reasons Why Candidates Fail 2017 Physics WAEC Practical

For science students, physics is one of the integral subjects that’s should be part of first 5-subjects and that must be passed, luckily for them, it has a practical session which makes the allocation of marks well spread, even with the opportunities, many candidates fail the subject and the reasons why candidates fail 2017 Physics WAEC Practical was made public from their official handle.

What are the reasons?

The following were observed as the candidates’ weaknesses.

  1. inability to read measurement from scales
  2. inconsistency in decimal places
  3. poor determination of slopes
  4. inability to state correct precautions
  5. poorly attempted short structured questions
  6. over approximation of evaluated values
  7. wrong choice of reasonable scales
  8. inability to state correct unit

Suggested Remedies

The following remedies were proffered:

  1. Teachers should be motivated to put extra effort in practical work
  2. Candidates should be taught on how to answer examination questions
  3. Qualified and dedicated Physics teachers should be employed
  4. Schools should purchase Chief Examiners Reports and make available for use by teachers
  5. Parents should provide an enabling environment to candidates for improve performance
  6. Teachers should be sponsored to attend coordination meetings to learn the rudiments for attempting practical questions

Candidate’s Strengths

Candidates exhibited improvement in:

  1. preparing composite tables with all columns carrying title/heading and units
  2. stating correctly units of variables measured
  3. choice of reasonable scales in plotting graph
  4. distinguishing between axes correctly
  5. state precautions in an acceptable language
  6. determine the slope and intercept of the graph
  7. deducing from the graph.

Click here to download a portable physics past questions and answers


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