After thorough examination of the candidate’s performance in the exam, the following are noted as the main reasons why candidates fail 2016 Geography theory WAEC. Prospective candidates and geography instructors are therefore advice to take a careful read on the post.
Candidates’ Weakness
The following weaknesses were noticed in the candidates’ scripts:
Most of the points that were answers to the questions were merely listed without adequate explanations which led to the loss of precious marks.
The sketch maps were poorly drawn and most of them lacked explanatory keys that would have aided the interpretation of the maps thus leading to poor performance.
Some candidates did not cover the syllabus. Questions on map work were poorly attempted indicating that they were ill prepared for such questions. Also, key geographical terms like optimum population, birth rate and population density were not understood by some candidates.
Some examiners could not read what were written down by the candidates because of poor handwriting.
Some candidates did not obey the rubrics and went ahead to answer all the three questions in Section A and ended up answering only one question is Section B. when they were asked to answer two questions each from Sections A and B.
Suggested Remedies
The approaches to overcome the specified candidates’ weaknesses are:
The points which serve as answers to the questions should be adequately explained rather than scanty presentation of points.
The candidates should learn how to present an outline of maps and represent geographical features in the maps. Practising will lead to perfection.
Candidates should start preparing for the examination early enough in order to cover the syllabus before the start of the examination.
Good handwriting could be achieved through practise. Securing good handwriting is indispensable.
Candidates must adhere to the rubrics of the examination in order to score full marks. They should read the question repeatedly until they understand its full demand before starting to answer the questions.
Candidates’ Strength
Some candidates ensured that they understood the questions before attempting them. Such candidates understood the rubrics, gave adequate explanations to the points raised and used diagrams as aids to the explanations where required to score high marks.
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