Categories: WAEC TIP

4 Reasons Why Candidate Fail 2013 Agricultural Science WAEC Practical

Agricultural Science practical session often regarded as a bonus package by qualified teachers when preparing the students, however, due to persisting negligence and poor adherence to rules among others have been the Reasons Why Candidate Fail 2013 Agricultural Science WAEC Practical

Majority of the candidates were unable to:

  1. classify specimens D (Pebbles or sandstone), E (Granite) and F(Marble) according to their mode of formation; state the characteristics of each of specimens D (Peddles or sandstone) and E (Granite);
  2. identify specimens I (Shears), J (Secateurs) and K (Spade); describe specimen K (Spade);
  3. identify specimens N (Elephant grass), O (Centrosema) and P (Tropical kudzu) by their common and botanical names; state how each of specimens N (Elephant grass) and O (Centrosema) is propagated;
  4. give the characteristics of specimen O (Centrosema).

WAEC recommendations for the candidates

Consequently, upon the identified weaknesses observed in the candidates’ scripts, the Chief Examiners recommended that:

  1. Agricultural Science teachers should emphasize the use of weed albums in the teaching of common and botanical names of weeds;
  2. Agricultural science should be taught as a practical oriented subject in schools through laboratory activities, field trips, excursions etc.;
  3. Only competent graduates of Agricultural Science should be saddled with the responsibility of teaching and assessment of learning.

 Displayed Candidate’s Strengths

The year’s performance was encouraging and leaped above the previous years, the candidates’ strength was amazing and commendable.

The candidates were able to:

  1. identify specimens D (Pebbles or sandstone), E (Granite) and F(Marble);
  2. state the ways in which specimen E (Granite) is economically important;
  3. state the uses of each of specimens l (Shears) and J (Secateurs);
  4. give the maintenance practices for each of specimens I (Shears) and K (Secateurs);
  5. name the other farm tools that can perform the functions of specimen K (Spade);
  6. state the uses of specimen N (Elephant grass);
  7. identify specimens Q (Pieces of meat), R (Leather) and S (Feather);
  8. mention the types of livestock from which both specimens Q (Pieces of meat) and R(Leather) can be obtained;
  9. state the nutritional values of specimen Q (Pieces of meat);
  10. mention the uses of specimen R (Leather);
  11. state the ways by which specimen S (Feather) is important to poultry.

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