Categories: WAEC TIP

14 Reasons Why Candidate Fail 2019 Animal Husbandry WAEC Theory

Although, many thoughts of this subject as an extract from Agricultural Science, either way it is, it is also numbered among the subjects selected that a candidate can enroll for in WAEC. As evidently stated by the WAEC council, there are many Reasons Why Candidate Fail 2019 Animal Husbandry WAEC Theory, they are:

The candidates were unable to:

  1. outline the steps involved in establishing an apiary;
  2. list the equipment used on a dairy farm;
  3. outline the steps involved in the pasteurization of milk;
  4. state the advantages of marketing boards and co-operative societies in the marketing of animal products;
  5. describe the life cycle of louse;
  6. define artificial pasture;
  7. state the characteristics of the management systems used in keeping small ruminants;
  8. mention the characteristics considered during the selection of livestock for breeding;
  9. explain the reason for creep feeding, steaming-up and flushing of farm animals
  10. state the characteristics of Zebu cattle;
  11. list the nutritional disorders in farm animals;
  12. draw and label the digestive system of a domestic fowl;
  13. spell technical terms correctly;
  14. write legibly.

Chief Examiner Recommendation

Consequently, having identified weaknesses in the candidates’ scripts, the Chief Examiners’ recommend as follows:

  1. Only competent graduates of Animal Science/Production should be saddled with the responsibility of teaching the subject in Senior Secondary Schools;
  2. Animal Husbandry should be taught as a practical oriented subject through laboratory activities, field trips, excursions etc.
  3. Teachers should lay emphasis on correct spellings of terms
  4. Adequate facilities and textbooks on Animal Husbandry should be made available to enhance the teaching-learning of Animal Husbandry in Senior Secondary Schools.

Observed Students’ Strength

Majority of the candidates showed an appreciable improvement in their ability to:

  1. state the benefits of bee keeping;
  2. state the ways of enhancing the productivity of a pig farm;
  3. state the management practices that are carried out on piglets from birth to weaning;
  4. state the roles of wholesaler and retailer in the marketing of animal products;
  5. state the effects of louse on its host;
  6. mention the ways in which louse could be controlled;
  7. discuss coccidiosis in farm animals;
  8. state the advantages of grass-legume mixture in a pasture;
  9. mention the management systems used in keeping small ruminants;
  10. state the functions of water in farm animals;
  11. mention the advantages and disadvantages of castration in livestock production.

We have specially made you a portable Animal Husbandry handbook for each year, CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD



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