Categories: WAEC TIP

12 Reasons Why Candidates Fail 2014 Biology WAEC Theory

The reasons for passing any examination are just a thorough preparations with strong adherence to rules, conversely, for a student to fail an exam, many reasons may be alluded to it. Therefore, this article will discuss more on the Reasons Why Candidates Fail 2014 Biology WAEC Theory as highlighted by the council.

  1. inability to draw villus properly;
  2. inability to draw the villus to scale;
  3. inability to spell the technical terms correctly e.g., Eugolena, Euglina for Euglena;
  4. inability to perform simple calculations;
  5. inability to state the process of digestion of boiled fish;
  6. inability to number the questions being answered correctly;
  7. poor use of English and use of vernacular;
  8. poor crossing of the genetic expression;
  9. inability to differentiate between parasitic plants and saprophytes;
  10. poor representation of tabulation;
  11. inability to give good definitions of elimination and secretion;
  12. writing the same answers with almost the same errors.

The Chief Examiner’s Recommendations

The following recommendations were outlined based on the general performance of the students and the observed weaknesses.

  1. teachers should teach students how to draw and to scale too;
  2. students should be taught how to answer questions correctly;
  3. all the aspects of the syllabus should be touched by the teacher and students;
  4. students should improve on their written English;
  5. students should read and understand a question properly before attempting it;
  6. students should be encouraged to write letters f, g, r, I, t, h properly.

Candidates’ Strengths

The observed strengths of the candidates include;

  1. ability to adhere to instructions; presenting answers in a good manner;
  2. writing answers concisely and on point; writing legibly;
  3. display of knowledge of some of the tested items;
  4. ability to state the characteristics of living things and correctly define the stated characteristics;
  5. defining biosphere and habitat;
  6. stating the methods of soil conservation precisely;
  7. stating clearly the correct reasons why animals move from place to place.

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